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Field of the Year

The SC Sports Field Managers Association (SCSFMA) recognizes that you make personal and professional contributions to our industry and the organization you serve. Both members and non-members are encouraged to participate in the SCSTMA Awards Program. If you are currently not a member of SCSFMA, please join us.

The following awards for 2024 were announced at the Winter SCSFMA Meeting:

  • 1 SCSFMA Baseball Field of the Year Award - Clover Middle School
  • 2 SCSFMA Softball Field of the Year Award - Clover High School
  • 3 SCSFMA Football Field of the Year Award - JL Mann High School
  • 4 SCSFMA Sporting Grounds Field of the Year Award - City of Fountain Inn, Emanuel Sullivan Sports Complex

Sponsorship Awards

Sponsorship of the Awards Program brings the following benefits to the designated individual of each facility achieving the Field of the Year Award:

  • An award banner
  • Much-needed recognition of your hard work
  • All entry materials must be submitted in accordance with the procedures outlined for each award. The awards committee will judge the information as submitted.
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Entry Details

Please note that the SCSFMA is using the National SFMA criteria for Field of Year applications, including the Playing Condition Index (PCI).

2024 entry deadline is October 25, 2024. All entries must be postmarked by this date. 

Send entries to:

SCSFMA Headquarters
P.O. Box 161023
Boiling Springs, South Carolina 29316

Attn: Awards

All award recipients will be selected by an Awards Committee made up of three highly regarded SCSFMA professionals.

Please contact SCSFMA Headquarters with any questions at

Phone: (864) 503-5514

[email protected]

FOY 24 Baseball

SCSFMA Baseball Field of the Year

The following must be submitted.

  • Playability and appearance of playing surface
  • Organization of maintenance programs
  • Uses of facilities that impact playing surfaces
  • Innovative solutions to playing surface problems
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How To Enter:

1. A maximum of 15 color slides or photographs. These must include:

  • Picture(s) of sidelines areas, dugouts, bullpens
  • Picture(s) of the center of the outfield area
  • Picture(s) of the infield area
  • Picture(s) of maintenance crew(s) working with equipment on the field
  • Picture(s) of the overall field from behind the home plate
  • Picture(s) of the field in use (not just “beauty shots”)

* Important: Digital photos (.jpg, .tif, .bmp) may be used for judging but may not be suitable for publication should your entry be named Field of the Year, so please back up your digital shots with slides or prints.

2. Narrative description of the baseball field:

  • Cover page with your name, address, phone, fax, and email address, geographical location of the field, and category of award (Professional, College, High Schools/Park).
  • Narrative not to exceed three pages double-spaced of why you think your baseball field deserves to be recognized as the baseball field of the year. Included should be how many months per year the facility is used, brief history, and components of the facility (seating capacity, lighting, age, etc.). Also include comments on scheduling, special maintenance challenges, solutions to problems, irrigation system components, uniqueness of facility, other events/activities held on the field other than baseball, etc.
  • An outline of your maintenance program not to exceed one page (can be single spaced). Include types of materials and supplies used.
  • An outline of your budget for one year not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • A description or outline of equipment used to maintain the field (borrowed, leased, or Owned), not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • An outline or organizational chart of how your staff, crew, or people are organized, including the total number of maintenance staff.
  • Who is to be named on the plaque if your field wins?

3. Deadline for entries: 2024 deadline is October 25, 2024.

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FOY 24 Softball

SCSFMA Softball Field of the Year

The following must be submitted.

  • Playability and appearance of the playing surface
  • Organization of maintenance programs
  • Uses of facilities that impact playing surfaces
  • Innovative solutions to playing surface problems

How To Enter:

1. A maximum of 15 color slides or photographs. These must include:

  • Picture(s) of the center of the outfield area
  • Picture(s) of the infield area
  • Picture(s) of maintenance crew(s) working with equipment on the field
  • Picture(s) of the overall field from behind the home plate
  • Picture(s) of the field in use (not just “beauty shots”)

* Important: Digital photos (.jpg, .tif, .bmp) may be used for judging but may not be suitable for publication should your entry be named Field of the Year, so please back up your digital shots with slides or prints.

2. Narrative description of the softball field:

  • Cover page with your name, address, phone, fax, and email address, geographical location of the field, and category of award (Professional, College, High Schools/Park).
  • A narrative not to exceed three page’s double spaced of why you think your softball field deserves to be recognized as the softball field of the year. Included should be how many months per year the facility is used, brief history, and components of the facility (seating capacity, lighting, age, etc.). Also include comments on scheduling, special maintenance challenges, solutions to problems, irrigation system components, uniqueness of facility, other events/activities held on the field other than softball, etc.
  • An outline of your maintenance program not to exceed one page (can be single spaced). Include types of materials and supplies used.
  • An outline of your budget for one year not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • A description or outline of equipment used to maintain the field (borrowed, leased, or Owned), not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • An outline or organizational chart of how your staff, crew, or people are organized, including the total number of maintenance staff.
  • Who is to be named on the plaque if your field wins?

3. Deadline for entries: 2024 deadline is October 25, 2024


SCSFMA Soccer Field of the Year

The following must be submitted.

  • Playability and appearance of the playing surface
  • Organization of maintenance programs
  • Uses of facilities that impact playing surfaces
  • Innovative solutions to playing surface problems
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FOY 23 Soccer

How To Enter:

1. A maximum of 15 color slides or photographs. These must include:

  • Picture(s) of sidelines
  • Picture(s) of the center of the field
  • Picture(s) of goal area(s)
  • Picture(s) of maintenance crew(s) working with equipment on the field
  • Picture(s) of the field in use (not just “beauty shots”)

* Important: Digital photos (.jpg, .tif, .bmp) may be used for judging but may not be suitable for publication should your entry be named Field of the Year, so please back up your digital shots with slides or prints.

2. Narrative description of the soccer field:

  • Cover page with your name, address, phone, fax, and email address, geographical location of the field, and category of award (Professional, College, High Schools/Park).
  • A narrative not to exceed three page’s double spaced of why you think your soccer field deserves to be recognized as the soccer field of the year. Included should be how many months per year the facility is used, brief history, and components of the facility (seating capacity, lighting, age, etc.). Also, include comments on the schedule, special maintenance challenges, solutions to problems, irrigation system components, uniqueness of facility, other events/activities held on the field other than soccer, etc.
  • An outline of your maintenance program not to exceed one page (can be single spaced). Include types of materials and supplies used.
  • An outline of your budget for one year not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • A description or outline of equipment used to maintain the field (borrowed, leased, or owned) not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • An outline or organizational chart of how your staff, crew, or people are organized, including the total number of maintenance staff.
  • Who is to be named on the plaque if your field wins?

3. Deadline for entries: 2024 deadline is October 25, 2024.

FOY 24 Football

SCSFMA Football Field of the Year

The following must be submitted.

  • Playability and appearance of the playing surface
  • Organization of maintenance programs
  • Uses of facilities that impact playing surfaces
  • Innovative solutions to playing surface problems

How To Enter:

1. A maximum of 15 color slides or photographs. These must include:

  • Picture(s) of the center of the field
  • Picture(s) of goal area(s)
  • Picture(s) of maintenance crew(s) working with equipment on the field
  • Picture(s) of the field in use (not just “beauty shots”)

* Important: Digital photos (.jpg, .tif, .bmp) may be used for judging but may not be suitable for publication should your entry be named Field of the Year, so please back up your digital shots with slides or prints.

2. Narrative description of the football field:

  • Cover page with your name, address, phone, fax, and email address, geographical location of the field, and category of award (Professional, College, High Schools/Park).
  • A narrative not to exceed three page’s double spaced of why you think your soccer field deserves to be recognized as the soccer field of the year. Included should be how many months per year the facility is used, brief history, and components of the facility (seating capacity, lighting, age, etc.). Also, include comments on the schedule, special maintenance challenges, solutions to problems, irrigation system components, uniqueness of facility, other events/activities held on the field other than soccer, etc.
  • An outline of your maintenance program not to exceed one page (can be single spaced). Include types of materials and supplies used.
  • An outline of your budget for one year not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • A description or outline of equipment used to maintain the field (borrowed, leased, or owned) not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • An outline or organizational chart of how your staff, crew, or people are organized, including the total number of maintenance staff.
  • Who is to be named on the plaque if your field wins?

3. Deadline for entries: 2024 deadline is October 25, 2024.

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SCSFMA Sporting Grounds of the Year

Please Note: Sporting Grounds is defined as a facility used for sports other than the standard categories listed.
The following must be submitted.

  • Playability and appearance of the playing surface
  • Organization of maintenance programs
  • Uses of facilities that impact playing surfaces
  • Innovative solutions to playing surface problems
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FOY 24 New Sporting Grounds pic

How To Enter:

1. A maximum of 15 color slides or photographs. These must include:

  • Picture(s) of sidelines area, dugouts, bullpens
  • Picture(s) of the center of the outfield area/infield area
  • Picture(s) of maintenance crew(s) working with equipment on the field
  • Picture(s) of overall field from behind home plate; from behind goal or goal post
  • Picture(s) of the sideline and center of the field
  • Picture(s) of the field in use (not just “beauty shots”)

Important: Digital photos (.jpg, .tif, .bmp) may be used for judging but may not be suitable for publication should your entry be named Field of the Year, so please back up your digital shots with slides or prints.

2. Narrative description of the complex:

  • Cover page with your name, address, phone, fax, and email address, geographical location of the field, category of award (Professional, College, High Schools/Park)
  • A narrative not to exceed three pages double-spaced of why you think your complex. deserves to be recognized as the sports complex of the year. Included should be how many months per year the facility is used, brief history, and components of the facility (seating capacity, lighting, age, etc.). Also include comments on scheduling, special maintenance challenges, solutions to problems, irrigation system components, and uniqueness complex.
  • An outline of your maintenance program not to exceed one page (can be single spaced). Include types of materials and supplies used.
  • An outline of your budget for one year not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • A description or outline of equipment used to maintain the field (borrowed, leased, or owned) not to exceed one page (can be single-spaced).
  • An outline or organizational chart of how your staff, crew, or people are organized, including the total number of maintenance staff.
  • Who is to be named on the plaque if your field wins?

3. Deadline for entries: 2024 deadline is October 25, 2024. 
* Please Refer to Notes at the Bottom of the Field of the Year Pages *