Field Day

USC Upstate University Readiness Center and Louis P. Howell Athletic Complex 301 North Campus Boulevard, Spartanburg, SC, United States

SCSFMA 2023 Field Day There will be a morning education session on Equipment Maintenance presented by Mr. Burke Anders of Columbia Country Club.  After lunch Mr. Drew Jeffers of the Clemson Extension will have a hands-on Spreader/Sprayer Calibration (1 SC DPR Credit Approved) event on the County University Soccer Stadium where the Field Day Expo…


2023 Senior League Baseball World Series

Sign up to volunteer. Volunteer Application and Background Check Consent form can be found here. LLSenior BWS Volunteer Background Check Letter - updated 3.29.23 (2)

September Zoom Webinar

Cameron Smith with Envu will discuss Sports Field Overseed Strategies. RSVP to Bruce Suddeth by Tuesday, September 12.